Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Journey and then some...

Two layers, three flights, listening to a German choir composed of old men sing an impromptu concert in the Dosseldoff airport, beating all the levels in the free Angry Birds app on my iPhone, and I am finally here!

This was definitely one of my longest journeys to India to date! Started from Newark, then stopped at Dosseldoff, Germany, then caught another flight to Frankfurt, and finally headed to Bangalore, India where I was greeted by my cousin and his lovely wife at 1:30 in the morning. We shared some lime juice and crashed at their apartment.

Today, my cousin and I ordered some idly (ground rice dumpling), vada (fried rice dumpling) and sambar (lentil vegetable stew), went to the super market for some groceries, and tried watching a movie before I crashed. I was supposed to have Anu's Kitchen: Season India with my cousin as the surprise guest and make lunch... Instead, I conked out for 3 hours. I may not be invincible... but then again...

After I woke up from the brief jet lag, we watched Fast Five- the new fast and furious movie- bootleg version of course- it's actually a pretty good action movie with heart- and then we went out for some chat (Indian snack food)- I had samosa chat and shared pani puri (a fried hollow ball fill with potatoes and a spicy water) with my cousin. Delicious! I feel that a major part of this blog will definitely be the food! Maybe I should start taking pictures to tempt you all!

We went and saw their new apartment they are about to furnish. A life together- that's what they're building but while taking into consideration that there is a future where their parents may come live with them, may start a family, among other considerations...

Anyway, tomorrow I'll check out the place I'll be working from...I'll let you know how that goes!

 Many more adventures to follow!



  1. Anu's Kitchen India! Please take pictures of the delicious food.

  2. "I may not be invincible... but then again..."

    HAHAHAHHAAHHA glad to see that even thousands miles and far too many time zones haven't changed the nush we all know and love!!!! =D =D

    Have the time of your life!... I already know you willlllll =)

  3. I can't wait to be invited to Anu's Kitchen the Yale edition!!!

  4. layovers*

    I'll try not to correct your blog too often. But I couldn't resist this one. You know me.

    Sounds like you're having tons of funsies! Make us proud :) By which I mean that I, just like everyone else, expect a part 2 to Anu's Kitchen.

  5. Also ANGRY BIRDS. BEST EVER, right?

  6. Level 2, part 2 IS SO HARD. I CAN'T BEAT IT.
