Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So, I don't know what I ate, but something I ate yesterday just crippled me today. I had to skip work because I could not move and had a splitting headache.... this actually never happens to me when I come to India. My stomach is always under control so it was a bit strange...all this after I raved about the food in India...Ah the irony!

Anyway, I felt horrible for having my cousin's wife leave work to drop me off at her neighbor's place. Her neighbors were these two sweet 60 something year olds who basically let a stranger crash at their place... I slept literally the whole day- getting up only to eat a little, chat a little, play a little computer game with the lady... they had the most interesting stories to tell. Their two sons are both settled in US and both are married to white women. The couple has grandchildren, whom they adore and have visited many times in the US . But, there is a struggle to maintain a connection with their grandchildren, while not wanting to burden their sons and not leaving their roots in India... I want to go back and have a real chat when I feel like myself...

Funny thing is I have to go on my case study tomorrow morning at 6am. So, I needed this rest! I am going to be staying in rural public health center in Gumballi, Karnataka run by the Karuna Trust for the next 24ish days. I am looking forward to observing, recording, and getting to know their practices in treating mental illness. I am definitely a bit nervous about being away from my comfort zone... I have never just immersed myself in a project like this before...

Sadly, internet access is very very limited so I doubt I will be able to post for the next month or so... but the I will try to write posts in a word document and mass post when I get back...

I'll leave you with an interesting ad I found in the newspaper! Corruption is rampant in India...I don't know if it has any effect really but I found this ad to be particularly innovative!



  1. Feel better baby! And BEAST your research <3

  2. Is this the Anusha who never gets sick? I'm loving this, just a little. But I'm glad that you got to chat with the nice old couple! (And play a computer game? What?)

    Immerse yourself! Find Internet whenever you can! Otherwise I won't get my daily quota of exclamation points and I'll be sad!

    Also feel better soon <3

  3. Have an awesome time Anusha! And definitely feel better :)

  4. Good luck Anusha!!!
    Take lots of pictures!!!

  5. Oh no! Feel better! I'll call you this weekend. <3
